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Back Pain Treatment & Management Methods for You

Description: Getting back pain relief can feel urgent. Whether it’s medication or home remedies, we’re here to help with a range of back pain treatment suggestions for you.

Teaser: Get back pain relief with these methods – so you can get moving again with joy

Needing back pain relief is never a walk in the park. In fact, it can be quite the opposite. It can keep you frozen. In one position. On the couch. Inside. Desperately trying not to move a muscle lest you poke and prod the back pain beast.

That’s why getting some back pain relief – and fast! – can feel so urgent. We’re here to help. Whether it’s medication, pain management techniques or home remedies, we’ve gathered all you need to know about back pain treatments.

Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide.1 At one time or another in their lifetime, most people will experience back pain. In fact, 92% of people will have back pain at some point.2

Some common causes of back pain include:

  • Strained, pulled, or torn muscles
  • Slipped, or bulging discs
  • Trauma after injury, like a fall
  • Skeletal irregularities in the spine
  • Infection
A man lifting a child in the air without back pain

Back pain treatments can take many forms, depending on the type and severity of the back pain you experience. Some treatments to consider are:

  • Medications
  • Physical therapy
  • At home treatments, like exercising, massage and ice packs
  • Surgery

Medications for back pain

Depending on the type of back pain you have and how mild or severe it is, you may want to consider taking medication. All of these work as lower back pain treatments and upper back pain treatments alike. In cases of severe, chronic back pain, your doctor may prescribe you a prescription medication. However, in other cases, over-the-counter medications may do the trick.


Anti-inflammatories are great place to start when it comes to back pain relief. NSAIDS like diclofenac have a triple effect of pain relief, reduced inflammation, and speedy recovery.


Over-the-counter pain relievers like paracetamol are often used for back pain relief. They are many people’s first go-to because they are often readily available on-hand at home. You may choose to use paracetamol as a stop-gap at the onset of back pain until you are able to get something more targeted, such as a topical NSAID like Voltaren Emugel.

Topical pain relievers

Over-the-counter Voltaren Emulgels are applied to your skin over the affected area. They contain diclofenac, a powerful and effective NSAID, which is absorbed into the skin. Voltaren range of topical pain relievers are targeted at the point of pain to beat aches and pains and speed up recovery.

Muscle relaxants

In some cases of mild to moderate back pain, over-the-counter pain relievers may not be enough to get you the relief you want (need!). Your doctor may prescribe a muscle relaxant. Muscle relaxants, as their name implies, relax your muscles so that they can heal. Muscle relaxants can make you dizzy and sleepy.3


Some types of anti-depressants can be prescribed as a back pain treatment.4 The pain relief effects of anti-depressants on back pain are independent of their mood-boosting effects. Anti-depressants are prescribed by a doctor and should only be used according to your health care provider’s instructions.


For chronic back pain that doesn’t respond to other treatments, your doctor might prescribe pain-relief injections. Injections should only be administered by a qualified healthcare professional.

Back pain treatment at home

In many cases, back pain management can take place at home, without consulting a doctor.

  1. Rest
  2. Sometimes, all your sore back needs, is some good rest in order to heal. Lifting heavy objects, stress, sports injuries. All of these are likely culprits when it comes to back pain. Resting and refraining from these activities can give your back much-needed recovery time. So, kick back. And do…nothing!

  3. Stretch it out
  4. Stretches are great for both relieving and preventing back pain caused by muscle strains.5 Added bonus: you can even do them while sitting at your desk or watching tv. Some stretches are targeted for lower back treatment. Others are targeted for upper back pain treatment. Regular stretching routines, like yoga, can be helpful in preventing back pain, as well as treating it. Put together a stretching regimen that works for you and your pain.

  5. Keep it cold
  6. Applying ice to your sore back can help reduce inflammation. Be sure to wrap your ice pack (or bag of frozen veggies – that works too!) in a thin towel before applying it to your skin.

  7. Mind your posture
  8. Bad posture is a big contributor to back pain6 – whether it’s slouching in a chair at dinner or rounding your shoulders to see a phone/computer/tablet screen. Check in with yourself periodically throughout the day to make sure your hips are aligned under your shoulders and that your shoulders are properly rolled back.

  9. Wear good shoes
  10. Wearing supportive footwear provides a good base for carrying around your body weight and maintaining healthy posture. If you experience back pain, it’s advised to keep your heels to under 2.5 centimetres.

  11. Keep it warm
  12. Heat can help muscles relax, reducing back pain. Whether you use a hot water bottle at home or go the indulgent route and sit in a hot tub, relaxing your back muscles can help healing.

  13. Exercise
  14. Being inactive can make back pain worse. Light exercise increases blood flow to the injured area, speeding up healing.7 When your pain subsides and you feel you can, get in some light exercise. Go for walk. Swim a few lengths in a pool. Do some yoga. Anything low impact should do the trick. Just remember to go at your own pace and listen to your body. If you feel intense or shooting pain at any time, dial it back.

  15. Massage
  16. Therapeutic massage can help with back pain relief. Massaging the affected area of your back can relieve pain and restore functionality.

If you are struggling to cope with and manage your back pain, or if it is long lasting, then you should visit your doctor. Your doctor will examine your back and ask you questions about when you started to feel back pain, where the pain is, if it feels better or worse at certain times and whether you have had it before. Together you will put together a back pain treatment plan.

Your doctor may refer you for further tests to determine the cause of your back pain. Your doctor might also share advice on how to relieve your back pain and may recommend pain relievers, the use of heat or ice, and light exercise such as walking.

Voltaren products for back pain relief

If you have back pain, Voltaren may be just the relief you’re looking for. Voltaren has a number of products suitable for relieving back pain, especially from strains or sports injuries – read the labels on the products and talk to your pharmacist to find the right one for you.

Voltaren products for back pain relief include:

Voltaren Emulgel

Voltaren Emulgel

Don’t let aches and pains stop you from enjoying life to the fullest. Find out how Voltaren Emulgel targets pain to get you moving freely again.

Voltaren Emulgel 12hr

Voltaren Emulgel 12hr

Discover how Voltaren Emulgel 12 Hour provides sustained relief by penetrating deep into your joints to ease pain and reduce inflammation.

How does Voltaren work to relieve back pain?


Voltaren Emulgels are clinically proven to beat pain. They contain an NSAID, diclofenac, and you can buy them over the counter from your pharmacist. Diclofenac works by reducing substances in your body that cause inflammation. By easing inflammation, Voltaren Emulgels work as an effective on-the-spot back pain treatment to speed up recovery.

The Voltaren Emulgel creates a reservoir of diclofenac when applied regularly, which gives the skin a source of the active ingredient throughout the day for lasting relief of pain and inflammation. The Emulgel technology used in this product helps the gel to penetrate deep through the skin to enhance delivery of the active ingredient, diclofenac, to the site of pain and swelling, making it an effective pain reliever for back pain.

The Emulgel technology is a unique combination of a gel and cream providing both a cooling and soothing effect when applied to the skin. If you massage the Emulgel into your skin when you are rubbing it in, this motion can provide additional soothing benefits at the site of pain and inflammation!

Triple Effect Voltaren Emulgel 1.16%

Contains 1.16% of diclofenac in a gel form and is suitable for 3 to 4 applications a day.

Voltaren Emulgel 12 Hour

Containing more of the active ingredient diclofenac, the formula also has an added permeation enhancer which gets deep into the tissue and joint area and lasts longer than the 1.16% Emulgel. It only needs to be applied twice a day, morning and evening, for convenient long lasting pain relief.

How to use Voltaren for back pain

Voltaren treatment options for back pain are Voltaren Emulgels

Using Voltaren Emulgels

Using Voltaren Emulgels for back pain couldn’t be simpler Here’s how to use Voltaren


  1. Open your tube of Voltaren Emulgel:
Easy Open Cap
Tamper evident tabs located on each side of the flip-top cap will break when the cap is opened for the first time. Before first use check if the tamper evident tabs are not broken.

Just flip the cap lid.

Use a finger, thumb, side of your hand or even edge of a table against the underside of the cap lid to open the flip-top cap. Easy peasy!

  1. Squeeze out an amount ranging in size from a cherry to a walnut, depending on the size of the affected area.
  2. Gently rub into the skin above where you are experiencing body pain
  3. Apply Voltaren Emulgel as indicated on the product label
  4. Regain your joy of movement. Feel better

Use for up to 14 days for the pain relief, inflammation and swelling in soft tissue injuries, (like sprains, strains, backache), localised forms of soft tissue rheumatism (tendonitis, bursitis), unless indicated otherwise by your doctor. As soon as your pain subsides, stop using Voltaren Emulgels for back pain. If your pain and swelling do not improve within 7 days, or if it gets worse, please consult your doctor.

Do not apply to skin with conditions such as cuts, open wounds, or on skin that has a rash or eczema. Discontinue the treatment if a skin rash develops after applying the product.

A brace or non-sealed, breathable wrap or sports bandage commonly used for injuries like sprains can be used together with Voltaren Emulgel, but do not apply Voltaren Emulgel under occlusive (i.e. plastic, airtight, or watertight) dressings.

For further details regarding precautions to take when using Voltaren Emulgels please read the FAQs below, or the product label and leaflet, and if in doubt consult your doctor or pharmacist.

How much Voltaren Emulgel to apply to relieve back pain

How much Voltaren Emulgel to apply depends on the treatment area. Anywhere between a cherry size to a walnut size amount of Emulgel should be sufficient when you use Voltaren Emulgel for back pain.

How long does Voltaren take to relieve pain?

Voltaren does not take long to work. Voltaren Emulgels can start providing muscle pain relief after just 1 hour* of application and cuts pain in half within 24 hours.8** For joint pain, please be patient as the product can take a little longer to work.

When you start feeling relief from back pain, you will be well on your way to experiencing the joy of picking up your favourite toddler for a hug, saying yes to tearing up a dance floor with much-missed friends, or even just sitting in your favourite chair putting a puzzle together. You will be on the path to regaining your joy of movement.