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How to start exercising

Starting an exercise routine can feel daunting if you haven’t been active for a while, which is completely understandable. With a few exercise tips and ideas for approachable, doable activities, anyone – yes, including you, too – can get started.

How to start exercising

Here are some tips on how to start exercising:

  1. Plan!
  2. Even the best intentions sometimes fail if there isn’t a solid plan behind them. A good plan includes details like the time, place, and duration of your exercises. Decide when you are going to exercise and what you’re going to do. Make sure you have the right equipment. Do your shoes fit? Do you have an outfit you’ll feel comfortable in? If not, go get whatever you need. Having a plan in place will help your chances of success.

  3. Start small
  4. Making a plan that takes you from 0 to 60 can feel intimidating, stopping you in your tracks before you’ve even started. Set small goals for yourself. Maybe you’d like to make it just to the end of your street and back. Maybe simply adding five minutes of stretching in the morning will get you going. Don’t forget: doing a little but often, ultimately adds up to a lot. As you grow accustomed to your new routine,

  5. Find something you can stick with
  6. This usually means finding an activity that you enjoy. This may mean going for a bike ride or taking a walk on the beach or through a favourite nature reserve.

  7. Get an accountability partner
  8. Having someone else by your side, keeping you accountable – while keeping you company, too! – can make all the difference in sticking with your resolve to get some regular exercise into your life. Find a friend to check in with about your exercise goals. You may even want to exercise together, as well. Being accountable to someone else will keep you on track for success.

  9. Keep it low impact
  10. Low-impact exercise or exercise that goes easy on your joints (think swimming, taking a walk, or yoga) will help you prevent injury, especially if you are just starting out on the exercise lifestyle.

  11. Reward yourself
  12. You’re doing a great job. So tell yourself that! From beginner to advanced, positive reinforcement is important for you regardless of what stage of exercising you’re at. If you got up off the couch to get some exercise in, treat yourself.

Pain relief with Voltaren

Even a little bit of pain can have a big impact on your life. That’s why Voltaren makes pain relief Emulgels, that you can rely on to help you on the way to rediscover the joy of movement with less pain.

Much more than just a tagline, the joy of movement defines who we are, why we do what we do. Because it’s not just movement. It’s bending down to lift and hug your child. It’s buttoning that statement shirt for a night out with the gang. It’s the little things that put a big smile on your face. It’s you at your best.

For a targeted and potent over-the-counter anti-inflammatory to ease your pain, Voltaren Emulgel provides pain treatment that is both effective and well tolerated, so you can get back to being you – joyfully.

We can help you treat your pain

Use our quiz to learn more about your pain and to find the right treatment for you, whether it’s knee pain exercises or Voltaren Emulgel for joint pain. Picking the right pain treatment can feel like a big choice. But don’t worry. Together, we’ve got this.

Explore Voltaren’s products for pain relief

Let’s get you moving freely again. Try Voltaren Emulgel products for effective relief that targets body pain at its source. Find out which is the best fit for you.

Health and wellness and your pain

Pain is rarely just physical nor is it always solved by taking medicine alone. Voltaren is your ally in helping you take more control of your pain journey, from the way to sleep, to what you eat, mental wellbeing and complementary pain relief therapies.

Treatment by pain type

Knee pain, elbow pain, back pain, neck pain. Pain relief is not one-size-fits-all. Whatever kind of body pain you’re experiencing - Voltaren has got you covered. Learn all about the causes, symptoms, and pain treatments for the type of pain you’re experiencing so you can get back to doing those little things that bring you joy.